Two Distinct Leadership Styles

By Tunde Eso 

Leadership styles exhibited by Mother Hen and Mother Duck.

The Mother hen leads from the back, while the Duck leads from the front. 

The fact that the mother hen stays behind the chicks while the duck goes ahead of them highlights two leadership styles: leading from behind and leading from the front.

Leading from behind, as demonstrated by the mother hen, is a leadership style that emphasizes support and empowerment. This style involves staying back to guide and encourage followers, allowing them to take the lead and make decisions. It requires a high level of trust in the followers' abilities and a willingness to let them take the lead. This leadership style is effective when followers have a high level of competence and need minimal direction.

Leading from the front, as demonstrated by the duck, is a leadership style emphasizing direction and control. This style involves taking the lead and setting the path for the followers.

Flash:Are you a Leader or a Dealer of Mind Manipulation?
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